
The G7 leaders issued a statement on the crisis in Ukraine on May 19, 2023, reaffirming their commitment to stand against Russia’s “illegal, unjustifiable, and unprovoked war of aggression” against Ukraine, which it claims is in violation of international law. The statement notes that the 15 months of aggression has cost lives and inflicted great suffering on the people of Ukraine. The G7 committed to providing financial, humanitarian, military and diplomatic support to Ukraine until the issue is resolved. Further sanctions and other measures are being imposed to increase costs and Russia’s dependence on energy is being reduced by alternative supply sources. While maintaining pressure on Russia, the G7 is committed to supporting Ukraine’s recovery and reconstruction. The private sector has a significant role to play in Ukraine’s recovery and reconstruction, while the country is encouraged to combat corruption and advance institution-building reforms. Finally, the G7 is committed to ensuring that Russia pays for the long-term reconstruction of Ukraine.

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